Web Design Process
Throughout each web design project, large or small, the number of moving parts can be overwhelming. With that in mind, Thor Marketing & Design averts potential issues by utilizing proper planning and organization from the start. I foster project success by aligning the needs and expectations of all parties involved through a process developed with transparency at it's core.
Much like the planning of building anything, Thor Marketing has developed a step by step web design process to ensure project is a success from the beginning to the middle to end, even though a proper marketed and built site rarely has an ending.

Step 1: Discovery and Research
This stage involves Project Discovery, Bottom line Goals, defining your customer and competition, technology integration, expected deliverables, project time frame, project cost and budget. The Research portion also lays out a easy to follow Word Document showing you what your competition is doing and explaining what I would do differently to help Grow Your Bottom Line!

Define Phase
Step 2: Organization and Content Design
A good problem statement guides the designer, adds focus to his or her work and is the starting point to spark new ideas in the idealization stage. A good problem statement is:
- Human-centered
- Broad enough for creative freedom
- Narrow enough to be manageable
- Actionable
Thor Marketing and Design utilizes content as the focal point of web design, then develops visual elements to accent the content structure. This is increasingly effective, as search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) continue to place value on quality content above all other website attributes. All websites built by ThorMarketing are responsive, this is important because of the Mobile Aspect that Google Requires along with HTTPS secured sites.
At this point you should have sent in the Content, Logo and any other images needed on the website.
This stage involves a lot of research, content-writing, migration of existing data and information, establishing a call-to-action hierarchy, navigation, and site map development. This is the stage where, for me, the design element begins to come together and we are ready for Step 3.
Putting it together
Step 3: Visual Design/Website Development
You should be completed with sending me content and graphics by now for your site.
At this stage ThorMarketing begins the layout on a staging server, I use a staging server with Google turned off so that invalid content isn't shown to the world. If you chose marketing and SEO for your site I begin with titling each page with keywords previously selected in part 2 of our planning of the website.
I also give you a preview of each page as I am completing it for approval and suggestions - I close it after 2-3 hours so I can continue to work on the progress of the other pages.
As we near the end I open the page up on the staging server for you and friends or other employees to spend a day going over it and once you've done this I ask that you send me changes within 3 days, these changes are implemented and then the contact forms are done.
If you chose SEO and Google Marketing I do that step in the beginning, middle and end of the site.
Once you are happy I then explain in detail the Maintenance Package that is required since I only host sites I build and I will not build sites on servers I don't maintain. We discuss update time frames and I create a site backup plan that includes cloud backups.

Go live time
Final Website Step: Launch
The website has now been migrated from Staging to Live Domain Name which you approved in steps above. If you Chose ThorMarketing for SEO and Marketing please see Marketing below, if not the site is live and if you have any updates needed please submit them before I submit the Sitemap to Google which I do whether you get marketing through me or not.
Maintenance and Upkeep will be emailed to you in a word doc/pdf format that explains what to do in case you need to add something or make changes, maintenance is required on my servers. The sheet also shows what is included in maintenance of all sites, a basic run down is all WordPress updates are done after hours (after 6pm or on Saturdays) which include 2 backups done, on site and off site.

A Website through ThorMarketing and Design is a fun process I love what I do and I feel I am a service to each and every client that has shown support of us. If you are happy with our services please Review us below through whichever link you wish to do the review on or both would be awesome!
When renewal time comes I will reach out about 30 days in advance.

Review USWebWorx, LLC
Google: https://g.page/uswebworx-llc/review?id
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uswebworxllc/reviews/
Thor Marketing is a subsidiary of USWebworx