Services by Thor Marketing
If you don't see it
Just ask I might do it!
Services, in Short by Thor Marketing
The WordPress, HTML, Hosting, SEO Doctor is in the Web, the WWW!

Domain Name
This is your ONLINE home like or are 2 of mine. This is your online address which usually begins with https or www but can also be which is a sub domain of the main name.

Website Hosting
You can not have a website online without using some kind of web hosting. Hosting is server space for your domain name to live, its just like a business address, except online.
Domains Case Study
Basically dot com, dot net, dot org (not shown) are your top 3 and the dot com is the king, the dot co is good if you can't get the others!
Domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser’s URL bar to visit your website.
In other words, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its address.
Now let’s get into the detailed explanation.
Internet is basically a giant network of computers connected to each other through cables. To easily identify them, each computer is assigned a series of numbers called IP Address.
This IP address is a combination of numbers separated with dots. Typically, IP addresses look like this:
Computers have no problem identifying and remembering these numbers. However, it is impossible for humans to remember and use these numbers to connect to websites on the internet.
To solve this problem, domain names were invented.
A domain name can have words which makes it easy to remember website addresses.
Now if you wanted to visit a website on the internet, you don’t need to type a string of numbers. Instead, you can type in an easy to remember domain name, for example,
Website/Email/E-Commerce Hosting
Domain is the 1st step in beginning a website (if you just need email this is for you too), Step 2 is Web Hosting or Server Space with email @yourdomainname dot your com/net/org. ALL of my hosting packages (3) come with email unlike Drag & Drop websites or several other companies that think charging you for email then making you sign up for Office365 Exchange (which is overkill for just 1 -99 accounts) will explain if you have the time to discuss it. In a nutshell What is Web Hosting - When a hosting provider allocates space on a web server for a website to store its files, they are hosting a website. Web hosting makes the files that comprise a website (code, images, etc.) available for viewing online - USWebworx uses a VPS service for hosting which is Virtual Private Server so basically you have your own piece of the internet!

Web Design is Putting Domain/Hosting Together to Create an Online Home
Web design is the process of planning, conceptualizing, and arranging content online. Today, designing a website goes beyond aesthetics to include the website’s overall functionality. Web design also includes web apps, mobile apps, and user interface design.
Did you know that web design can have a huge impact on your performance in search engines like Google? Website design is so much more than drag & drop add a picture and a form. Too much to add here but I will do a blog post to point you in the direction I will go with your website should you hire me, which you should. Why? 10+ years of making mistakes to learn what works the best for design and marketing as they go hand in hand!
However, ThorMarketing offers Responsive Website Design - The website we create will work on ALL sized screens from small to 100" projector screens, why? Well according to research a whopping 76% of users look for you on a mobile device so the website has to align and shrink to fit the mobile devices along with the desktops and TV screens depending on the client!
All of our service levels include
Each Package includes unlimited email accounts but not unlimited space.
Our sites that we construct for you use a database (DB) to store files/information (This is why maintenance is required)
If we built the website on our servers which is required to have us build it then maintenance is performed every 10 days or earlier if needed, this is explained when you sign up.
All communications are done with Professionalism, I can take a lot but I am human so please don't test this theory, I respect you, you respect me!
I will work harder for you than any other web site company in Central Mississippi, promised! Test me on this!
I will charge you fairly, I will do more for you than what I charged you - I will not go up on you just because, however the flip side is understand that hosting costs me money and if it goes up I have to but it depends on the amount if I do!
Need an update done? Send it to me and I will try to have it done within 12 hours!
Respect ME and I will Respect YOU!